BLIST participated in “Osez la recherche européenne”

BLIST participated in “Osez la recherche européenne”, an information day about EU funding programmes for research organized by SynHERA in the frame of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2024. We presented a general overview of the project and out benchmark conclusions about current practices of students’ inclusion in research activities. Four students kindly accepted to share their testimonials about their first experience on research.

Thanks to Jordan Pouleau Laura Hocq Eric Ugo Paque and Ryan Tock for sharing this!

Project meeting in Porto (25th and 26th march, 2024)

The project partners got together on the 25th and 26th of March in Porto, on the premises of SPI to discuss about the work done and the next foreseen activities.

The debate included:

  • The finalization of the Benchmark of best practices for the inclusion of students in research activities
  • The initial development and structuring of several project deliverables: Conceptual analysis; Training framework; Guidebook; International cooperative research projects, International networking events and seminars
  • The presentation of the analytics from the project website and social media
  • An overview on the project progress and management
  • An outline on the next foreseen dissemination and communication events and activities

Project meeting in Caen

The partners joined on the 19th of September in Caen, on the premises of Builders to discuss about the work done and the next foreseen activities.
The debate included:
• the implementation of the European comparative study to identify the best practices for encouraging the participation of higher education students in research projects and/or services. Based on the results of the benchmark, the partners will develop a range of tools aimed at strengthening the capacity of higher education institutions (HEIs) to integrate students into research activities
• the initial brainstorming for the development of the guidebook, research projects and seminars
• the presentation of the analytics from the project website and social media
• feedback from BUILDERS and their student research projects, including testimonials from formers BUILDERS students involved in research
• an overview on the project progress and management
• an outline on the next foreseen dissemination and communication events and activities

Project partners will meet in Caen

The next project partners meeting will be held by Builders École d’ingénieurs in Caen on the 19th September 2023. This will provide an opportunity for the partners to debate the already concluded and the undergoing activities and carefully plan the next steps on the implementation of the project. Follow us to have more information on the results of the meeting and also all the other important project results, aiming to strengthen the bonds between students and research activities in higher education.

BLIST project is implementing a European Comparative Study on Boosting Student Inclusion in Research Activities

As part of the project activities, the partners are conducting a European comparative study to uncover the best practices for encouraging higher education students to actively engage in research activities.
The insights gained from this benchmark study will enable the development of  a suite of valuable tools geared towards enhancing the capacity of higher education institutions (HEIs) to seamlessly integrate students into research activities.
The comprehensive questionnaire is directed to:
– Higher education institution (HEI) management and research staff.
– International Relations professionals.
– Students who have been or are currently involved in research activities.

Your input is crucial to our research! You can help us in two ways:
– Complete the questionnaire yourself (available here in both English and French)
– Share the questionnaire within your respective higher education institutions (HEIs) among the three specified categories of individuals.

A very good start for BLIST project

“BLIST” (Boosting incLusion of Students In research acTivities) is an ERASMUS+ project, selected under Key Action 2, Cooperation Partnerships, with the aim to increase the participation of students in scientific research projects and broaden the horizons of teacher-researchers to European partnerships. The two-year project will provide teachers and students with tools to strengthen their involvement in research and innovation at the European level.

The consortium consists of three European organizations:

  • SynHERA, the coordinator, an association representing applied research within Frenchspeaking Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) and their associated Research Centres from Belgium
  • BUILDERS – School of Engineering located in Caen (France)
  • Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI), a Portuguese consulting company supporting innovation-fostering projects and international opportunities.

Together, the partners will develop tools to encourage student participation in research, such as a guide of good practices for the integration of students in research and innovation, training modules, and other initiatives and will also organize networking and awareness-raising events for students, teachers, and international managers of higher education institutions.

The kick-off meeting of the project was organized by SynHERA and held in Brussels on March 28th and 29th. It was an opportunity for the partners to finally meet in person and build stronger relationships after months of collaborating remotely on their proposal. The partners reviewed the main aspects of the project and began to plan several activities that will take place in the coming months. They all expressed optimism about the project’s potential impact and look forward to working together towards its successful implementation.