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Project meeting in Caen

The partners joined on the 19th of September in Caen, on the premises of Builders to discuss about the work done and the next foreseen activities.
The debate included:
• the implementation of the European comparative study to identify the best practices for encouraging the participation of higher education students in research projects and/or services. Based on the results of the benchmark, the partners will develop a range of tools aimed at strengthening the capacity of higher education institutions (HEIs) to integrate students into research activities
• the initial brainstorming for the development of the guidebook, research projects and seminars
• the presentation of the analytics from the project website and social media
• feedback from BUILDERS and their student research projects, including testimonials from formers BUILDERS students involved in research
• an overview on the project progress and management
• an outline on the next foreseen dissemination and communication events and activities
